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Wednesday 4 May 2016

Top Ten Biotech Jobs Most in Demand over the Next Decade

Medical Scientists

Medical scientists specialize in researching and investigating biological systems in order to further understand and treat human diseases. Their work can span from conducting their own experiments and research based on unique hypotheses, to further investigating preexisting drugs and diseases by performing clinical trials.

 Biological Technicians

Biological technicians help biological and medical scientists carry out their research and experiments. They are responsible for the set-up and maintenanace of labs, and the cleaning of lab instruments and equipment to ensure they are ready for use. They prepare samples in the lab for analysis, conduct their own tests and experiments, compile data, and record their findings.

 Medical and Clinical Lab Technologists & Technicians

Medical and clinical lab technologists and technicians work in either labs or health care facilities and perform tests studying blood, fluids, organs, tissue, and other substances they have collected in order to analyze. The technologists usually perform the more difficult tasks and supervise the technicians. The two work together to operate lab instruments and equipment. Technologists and technicians can either be general or specialize in a particular field, which include but are not limited to clinical chemistry, blood banks, immunology, and molecular biology.

Biochemists and Biophysicists

Biochemists and biophysicists design and perform various complex tests for their research. Their job spans from studying proteins, DNA, RNA, and several other molecules to studying and testing already developed drugs and the effects that they have on biological systems and more.

Biomedical Engineers

Biomedical engineers use their knowledge of engineering to design and construct systems and products for medical usage. The products that biomedical engineers create and produce are essential to the diagnosis of medical ailments. They are responsible for the reparation of the devices they build, the assurance of their functionality and safety, and work very closely with scientists, doctors, and others in the medical field to observe the engineering components of biological processes and systems to plan their developments accordingly. Some products that biomedical engineers provide include prostheses, such as artificial organs, and devices such as MRIs and CAT Scans.


Microbiologists focus primarily on the classification and functions of microorganisms found in humans, plants, water, etc. They organize, conduct, and supervise complex research on these microscopic organisms. Through analysis of their findings, microbiologists obtain new knowledge about these organisms and translate that into ways to develop new drugs to combat diseases.


Epidemiologists compile data to try and understand the causes of diseases, improve public health issues, and prevent future problems. They do this by conducting various experiments, surveys, and interviews and studying the data they compiled. Being highly observant is a requirement in this field due to the constant demand for them to analyze data and plan studies in order to find new statistics about diseases, and then report those findings to others in the medical and public health field.

R&D and Process Development Scientists

Research and development scientists are generally responsible for the manufacturing process that happens within a lab. They supervise lab technicians and lead the team through each particular project. This requires an extensive knowledge in the biological sciences field as well as proficient communication and organizational skills.
Regulatory QA/QC Biomanufacturing Specialists
Order is the priority for a regulatory QA/QC biomanufacturing specialist. They are responsible for supervising a project or job and guaranteeing that all criteria and requirements are met. In order to manage as a QA/QC director, one must have a thorough understanding of the products and services being produced and manufactured. They regulate production including import/export and product registration, manufacturing, data collection and management, and safety.

Bioproduction Operators

A bioproduction operator is hands-on in the biotech industry in a different way. Bioproduction operators are responsible for the manufacturing, packaging, and shipping of products that are produced by the company. This involves operating any machinery or taking any specific precautions depending on what is being produced. It is their job to ensure that the products are in mint condition and ready for shipping. However, the precise requirements can vary depending on the company and the products that they produce.


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