GATE 2017 Exam Dates, Application Form, Eligibility Criteria

GATE – Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering -It is a national level examination which gets conducted each year. The main reason of conducting this examination is to test the aptitude and subject knowledge of the applicant and on the basis of that; they get admission in Engineering PG programmes.
Each year GATE gets conducted successfully at various examination centers and as like every year, this year also the examination will be conducted soon. As per year, the notification of GATE 2017 will be released in August 2016. So all the interested candidates can check out the eligibility criteria in order to apply for it. The GATE is conducted by IIT’s and IISc. Generally examination held conducted from last week of January- February. Numbers of candidates appear for this examination every year. If you are going to apply for GATE 2017, than given details may be helpful for you.
GATE 2017 Application Form
GATE 2017 Official notice will be available in the month of August 2017, after that all the interested candidate may apply for it. To get complete information for GATE 2017 application form
Application fees
for Gen and OBC Male candidates
Rs. 1500/-
for Women candidates
Rs. 750/-
for SC/ST/PD candidates
Rs. 750/-
Eligibility Criteria
Those candidates are going to apply for GATE 2017, they must posses one of the the given eligibility-
Qualifying Examination
Details of Qualifying Examination / Degree
Description of Eligible Candidates
Year of Qualification cannot be later than
BE./BTech. / B.Pharm
Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/ Technology (4 years after 10+2 or 3 years after Diploma in Engineering/Technology) and those who are in the final year of such programs
Appearing in the final year or completed
B. Arch
Candidates holding Bachelor’s degree in Architecture (Five years course)
Appearing in the final year or completed
B.Sc. (Research)/ B.S.
Bachelor’s degree in Science (Post-Diploma/ 4 years after 10+2)
Appearing in the final year or completed
M. Sc./ M.A./MCA or equivalent
Master’s degree in any of the stream Science/Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Applications or equivalent
Appearing in the final year or completed
Int. M.E/ M.Tech (Post-B.Sc.)
Post-BSc Integrated Master’s degree programs in Engineering / Technology (Four year program)
Appearing in the 2nd/3rd/ 4th year or completed
Int. M.E./ M.Tech or Dual Degree(after Diploma or 10+2)
Integrated Master’s degree program or Dual Degree program in Engineering / Technology (Five year program)
Appearing in the 4th/5thyear or completed
Int. M.Sc/ Int. B.S.- M.S.
Integrated M.Sc. or Five year integrated B.S.- M.S. program
Appearing in the 4th year or completed
Professional Society Examination s (equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. /B.Arch.)
B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. equivalent examinations, of Professional Societies, recognized by MHRD/UPSC/AICTE (e.g., AMIE by Institution of Engineers-India, AMICE by the Institute of Civil EngineersIndia)
Completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses
How to Apply
Go to the official site of any of IITs. Apply for it from there only (after release of official notice for GATE 2017). Fill the basic details and after that upload the scanned photograph, signature and other mandatory details. After this section, you need to clear the payment section which you can do via net banking, credit/debit card, e-challan. Lastly check the status of application.
Key Features
1) This test is a Computer Based Test which will be having total 22 papers.
2) From filling the application form to paying the fee, the entire process of GATE 2017 will be done via online mode only.
3) The payment must be done via online mode however the selection of payment mode could depend on student (Net Banking, Debit/Credit card, and e-Challan)
2) From filling the application form to paying the fee, the entire process of GATE 2017 will be done via online mode only.
3) The payment must be done via online mode however the selection of payment mode could depend on student (Net Banking, Debit/Credit card, and e-Challan)
Examination Pattern
The examination will be conducted as Computer Based Test.
There will be total 22 papers in GATE.
The examination will be conducted online.
There will be total 65 questions in the GATE. The examination will be of total 100 marks.
55 questions will be based on the core subjects and engineering mathematics. These 55 questions will be of total 85 marks and rest 10 questions will be of total 15 marks.
The examination will be divided into two parts:
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
These type of questions will be of total 1 or 2 marks. Each question will have four options and out of them you have to choose the correct.
Numerical Answer Questions
These types of questions will be of 1 or 2 marks. Candidates need to answer by using the virtual keypad.
There will be no options provided for this section.
There will be total 22 papers in GATE.
The examination will be conducted online.
There will be total 65 questions in the GATE. The examination will be of total 100 marks.
55 questions will be based on the core subjects and engineering mathematics. These 55 questions will be of total 85 marks and rest 10 questions will be of total 15 marks.
The examination will be divided into two parts:
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
These type of questions will be of total 1 or 2 marks. Each question will have four options and out of them you have to choose the correct.
Numerical Answer Questions
These types of questions will be of 1 or 2 marks. Candidates need to answer by using the virtual keypad.
There will be no options provided for this section.
GATE 2017 Admit Card
Candidates can download the admit cards from the official site.
As per the sources, the admit card will be uploaded online from 2ndweek of December 2016.
In order to get it, you need to login to GOAPS by entering your enrollment ID and your valid email address.
The admit cards are important to be downloaded on time as it consist important details such as roll number, name of the candidate, examination centre and examination schedule.
Candidates need to bring GATE Admit card with a valid Photo ID proof in order to enter the examination hall.
As per the sources, the admit card will be uploaded online from 2ndweek of December 2016.
In order to get it, you need to login to GOAPS by entering your enrollment ID and your valid email address.
The admit cards are important to be downloaded on time as it consist important details such as roll number, name of the candidate, examination centre and examination schedule.
Candidates need to bring GATE Admit card with a valid Photo ID proof in order to enter the examination hall.
GATE 2017 Result
GATE 2017 result will be uploaded on the official website of GATE. You can check out result from 2nd week of March.