Join as Project Scientist @ IIT, Kanpur and Earn Salary upto Rs. 44,000/- pm

Join as Project Scientist @ IIT, Kanpur and Earn Salary upto Rs. 44,000/- pm
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, established in 1959, is one of the premier institutions established by the Government of India. The aim of the Institute is to provide meaningful education, to conduct original research of the highest standard and to provide leadership in technological innovation.
Applications are invited for one position of Project Scientist under the project entitled ‘Agarose Based Wound Dressing’.
Project Title: ‘Agarose Based Wound Dressing’.
Position Title: Project Scientist
Minimum Qualification: PhD or M.Sc with 3 years of experience in Materials Science or Life Science.
Desirable Experience/ Higher Qualification: Candidates with experience/specialization in biological assays including but not limited to protein purification, bacterial cell cultures and PCR is mandatory. Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory. Candidates with prior research experience in polymer processing and their characterization will be given preference.
Salary range: Rs.22000-2200-44000
Tenure: The position is temporary for a maximum of one year. Duration can be extended at the end of year on satisfactory performance.
How To Apply:
Those interested must submit their application on plain paper with resume, list of 3 references (emails and phone numbers) and copies of professional academic record (marksheets/ certificates) to reach Dr. Vivek Verma (PI), 418 Faculty Building, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur- 208016 latest by August 16, 2016.
Last Date for Application: August 16, 2016.
Apply here
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, established in 1959, is one of the premier institutions established by the Government of India. The aim of the Institute is to provide meaningful education, to conduct original research of the highest standard and to provide leadership in technological innovation.
Applications are invited for one position of Project Scientist under the project entitled ‘Agarose Based Wound Dressing’.
Project Title: ‘Agarose Based Wound Dressing’.
Position Title: Project Scientist
Minimum Qualification: PhD or M.Sc with 3 years of experience in Materials Science or Life Science.
Desirable Experience/ Higher Qualification: Candidates with experience/specialization in biological assays including but not limited to protein purification, bacterial cell cultures and PCR is mandatory. Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory. Candidates with prior research experience in polymer processing and their characterization will be given preference.
Salary range: Rs.22000-2200-44000
Tenure: The position is temporary for a maximum of one year. Duration can be extended at the end of year on satisfactory performance.
How To Apply:
Those interested must submit their application on plain paper with resume, list of 3 references (emails and phone numbers) and copies of professional academic record (marksheets/ certificates) to reach Dr. Vivek Verma (PI), 418 Faculty Building, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur- 208016 latest by August 16, 2016.
Last Date for Application: August 16, 2016.
Apply here