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Friday 1 April 2016

About National Institute of Immunohaematology:

The Blood Group Reference Centre (BGRC) made its debut in 1957 as a result of active interest shown by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in the field of blood banking. The functions entrusted to BGRC were few but of national importance. To train the people in methodology of blood grouping and blood banking. To prepare and supply standard blood grouping reagents. To work as a reference centre for the unsolved problems of cross matching. To prepare and maintain a list of rare bloods and conduct research in this unknown field in the country at that time. This centre which was started by ICMR basically to solve problems in blood banking, slowly branched out successfully to initiate research in various other related areas of immunohaematology viz. biochemical genetics , red cell enzymopathies and hemoglobinopathies , population genetics, antenatal serology, Immunology, HLA etc. In the first twenty five years, using limited space, limited resources and budget, talented and highly enthusiastic young scientists from the center under the guidance of dynamic stalwarts Dr. H M Bhatia and Dr. A J Baxi could produce as many as 271 publications of which 71 were published in prestigious international journals. The centre had many discoveries to it’s credit. Seeing this progress, ICMR decided to rechristen BGRC as ‘Institute of Immunohaematolgy’ at the time of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Institute in 1982 to accommodate all the departments of the centre under one roof . Subsequently the Institute could mobilize various International collaborations to develop many advanced techniques. Five years after celebrating it’s silver jubilee, due to the untiring efforts of Dr. Bhatia, the Institute could get one floor in the newly constructed multi-storeyed building in the KEM Hospital campus. Our motto is to conduct basic and clinical research for the benefit of society and ultimately the nation. Newer areas developed included molecular genetics and prenatal diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies, hemostasis and thrombosis, cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics, cell biology applications in hematology and stem cell research. While celebrating its 50 years of existence, the Institute has developed in stature as an “unique”. Institute conducting basic and applied research, providing reference services (for routine and specialized tests) to needy patients and offering training especially in blood banking methodology and several blood bank technicians and medical officers and molecular hematology thus ultimately helping the society in different ways. Considering these facts ICMR decided to give the Institute a national status and renamed it as “National Institute of Immunohaematology” on 5th February 2008. The coming years will see further expansion of its activities. “Doing both cutting edge and operational research in haematology and transfusion medicine with a view to push the frontier of human knowledge and using this knowledge for the benefit of our countrymen in particular and humanity in general, through innovation, improvisation, indigenization, synthesis of ancient wisdom with modern science and by dissemination of the knowledge thus gained”. This will translate into : Developing strong basic science research in understanding the pathobiology of various haematological and related disorders using all the modern tools of biology and medicine. Using the findings of the above mentioned research for developing diagnostic reagents / tools / processes and management strategies for various haematological disorders. Developing and incorporating all the recent developments in Transfusion Medicine research for answering the challenges of Transfusion Medicine in this country. Developing clinical trials and clinical research for haematological disorders suitable for wide application in our country. Developing strong inter disciplinary research involving various ICMR, Non ICMR and International Institutes in the area of Haemopoietic Stem Cell, Viruses, Angiogenesis Recombinant DNA technology, Gene therapy, Immuno modulation, Epigenetic Modification, Leukaemia and other Haemopoietic Tumour Biology, Development of new chemical entities for Haematological Disorders, Thrombosis and Haemoglobinopathy Research. Involving the Institute to all National Programmes involved in control and management of haematological disorders and delivery of services for transfusion medicine across the country. Synthesizing the information from modern medicine and the ancient wisdom of Indian Systems of medicine towards development of better understanding of haematological disorders and management strategies for different haematological disorder. Finally the staff of the Institute will follow the adage ” whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might”.
Website Address:
Postal Address:13th floor, New Multistoreyed Building, KEM Hospital Campus, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012
Tel:+91 22 24138518
Fax:+9122 24138521


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